Did you know there are certain times of the year you can change your#Medicare plan? Did you know there are specific situations that will allow you to make changes at any time?

Here are the options to make changes to your Medicare plans.
(IEP) Initial Enrollment Period
The 7-month window when you turn 65 to enroll in Original Medicare Part A and Part B
Three months before your 65th birthday
The month of your 65th birthday
Three months after your 65th birthday
(OEP) Open Enrollment Period
January 1st - March 31st each year
You may change your Medicare Advantage Plan or return to your Original Medicare
(SEP) Special Enrollment Period
You can change your coverage after a qualifying event, such as:
Dual Eligible with Medicaid
Extra Help
October 15th - December 7th during this timeframe, you can make the following changes:
Change from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan
Change from a Medicare Advantage Plan to Original Medicare
Go from one Medicare Advantage Plan to another
Change from a Part D Plan to another
Join a Part D Plan
Drop a Part D Plan
There are circumstances where you can make changes throughout the year, and this is where our licensed agents can help.
If you've had a change of address
If you qualify for Extra Help
If you are eligible for Medicaid
If you are on Medicaid
No matter the circumstances, and if there is a Special Election Period, it is always good to have a Medicare Benefits Review. Plans and benefits change yearly, not to mention increases in Medigap (Medicare Supplement) premium prices.

Want to know more?
At Bedrock Financial Group, we provide complimentary consultations and no-cost Medicare reviews. Our home office is located in New Albany, IN. We have a Senior Resource Center in Stanford, KY, and another office coming to Asheville, NC.
We service the following states: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.
If you have Medicare questions, you can call our team at 502-200-1516. If you want to set up an in-person Medicare Benefits Review, please call 833-905-1060. If you would like a comprehensive overall review, you can call 833-905-1060 or email hello@mybedrockfg.com with your contact information, including your name, city, state, and phone number, and we will connect with you.
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